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[新锐专家] 侯德义

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姓  名: 侯德义

所在单位: 地下水与土壤环境教研所

职  称: 副高级,博导,青年千人


1998.9 – 2002.6      清华大学    环境科学与工程系    环境工程学士

2002.9 – 2003.6      斯坦福大学    土木与环境工程系    土木与环境工程硕士

2003.6 – 2005.9      斯坦福大学    土木与环境工程系    土木与环境工程Degree of Engineer

2011.10 – 2014.11  剑桥大学   工程系    环境工程博士


2015.11 – 今               清华大学    环境学院    副教授、博导、青年千人学者

2006.04 – 2015.11      Parsons公司    注册工程师、项目经理

2005.10– 2006.04      美国加州东湾水利局    实习工程师





英国高等教育学院(Higher Education Academy)Associate Fellow











1. Hou, D. * (2015), Divergence in Stakeholder Perception in Sustainable Remediation. Sustainability Science. In Press.

2. O'Connell, S., Hou, D * (2015). Resilience: A New Consideration for Environmental Remediation in an Era of Climate Change. Remediation Journal. December.

3. 谷庆宝 侯德义 伍斌 蒋晓云 李发生. 污染场地绿色可持续修复理念、工程实践及对我国的启示. 《环境工程学报》2015年, 第8期.

4. Ma, F., Peng, C., Hou, D., Wu, B., Zhang, Q., Li, F., Gu, Q. * (2015). Citric Acid Facilitated Thermal Treatment: An Innovative Method for the Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soil . Journal of Hazardous Materials.

5. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A. and Hellings, J (2015), Sustainable site clean-up from megaprojects: Lessons from London 2012. Proceedings of ICE - Engineering Sustainability. January 15.  

6. Luo, J. *, Kurt, Z., Hou, D., and Spain, J. (2015), Modeling Aerobic Biodegradation in the Capillary Fringe. Environmental Science and Technology. 49(3), pp 1501-1510.

7. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A, Guthrie, P, Hellings, J (2014). Using a Hybrid LCA Method to Evaluate the Sustainability of Sediment Remediation at the London Olympic Park. Journal of Cleaner Production. 83, pp. 87-95.

8. Hou, D. *, O’Connor, D. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2014), Modeling the Diffusion of Contaminated Site Remediation Technologies. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. Volume 225, Issue 9.

9. Hou, D. *, O’Connor, D. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2014), Comparing the Adoption of Contaminated Land Remediation Technologies in the US, UK, and China. Remediation Journal. 25(1) 33-51.

10. Ma, F., Zhang, Q., Xu, D., Hou, D., Li, F., and Gu, Q. * (2014), Mercury Removal from Contaminated Soil by Thermal Treatment with FeCl3 at Reduced Temperature. Chemosphere. Volume 117, pp. 388-393.  

11. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A, Guthrie, P (2014). The adoption of sustainable remediation behaviour in the US and UK: A cross country comparison and determinant analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 490(8), pp. 905-913.

12. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A, Chen, H and Mamic, I (2014). Factor analysis and structural equation modelling of sustainable behaviour in contaminated land remediation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 84, pp. 439-449.

13. Hou, D. * and Al-Tabbaa, A (2014). Sustainability: A new imperative in contaminated land remediation. Environmental Science and Policy. 39C, pp. 25-34.  

14. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A, and Luo, J (2014). Assessing effects of site characteristics on remediation secondary life cycle impact with a generalised framework. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 57(7), pp. 1083-1100.

15. Hou, D. * and Luo, J (2013). Evaluation of Apparent Permeability and Field Assessment of Aged Asphalt Capping Systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 139 (2), 167-175.

16. Hou, D. *, Luo, J., and Al-Tabbaa, A (2012). Shale Gas Can be a Double Edged Sword for Climate Change. Nature Climate Change. 2 (6), 385-387.

17. Hou, D. *, Al-Tabbaa, A., Guthrie, P., and Watanabe, K (2012). Sustainable Waste and Materials Management: National Policy and Global Perspective. Environmental Science and Technology. 46 (5), 2494?2495.

18. Hou, D. * (2011). Vision 2020: More Needed in Materials Reuse and Recycling to Avoid Land Contamination. Environmental Science and Technology. 45 (15), 6227-6228.

19. Hou, D. * and Leu, J. (2009). Optimizing the Remedial Process at a Petroleum Contaminated Site Using a Three Tier Approach. Journal of Environmental Engineer. 135 (11), 1171–1180.

20. Hou, D., Rabinovici, S. J., Boehm, A. B. * (2006). Enterococci Predictions from Partial Least Squares Regression Models in Conjunction with a Single-Sample Standard Improve the Efficacy of Beach Management Advisories. Environmental Science and Technology. 40 (6), 1737  1743.


1. Boehm, A. B. *, Hou, D., Whitman, R. L, Nevers, M. B., and Weisberg, S. B. (2007). Now-casting recreational water quality. A chapter in Statistical Framework for Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring. Edited by Larry Wymer and Alfred Dufour.

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